Monday, June 7, 2010


Day 1

Bike Ride from Amarillo to the Mississippi River along Route 66


Traveling along Route 66 in Amarillo was a pretty cool adventure.

There were a lot of cool hotels from the good ol days. These hotels have seen their times come and gone. But I would love to see them in their glory days.

Old gas stations were pretty cool too.

Downtown was a welcome relief. It brought me back to the modern day era again. I always love riding through the tall buildings of a city.

Just before leaving Amarillo "The Big Texan" is an icon of Route 66. It started along the original route and in order to get patrons to stop and eat, they offered a contest. If you could eat the 72 oz steak you could get it for free. After about 20 years of success, the store burned and when they wanted to rebuild, I 40 by passed most of route 66 in Amarillo. It was great timing to relocate. What a great decision because The Big Texan is a very very busy place today. A true success of Route 66 after the Interstate era.

My family met me again before I started to head East. It was about 10am still to early to eat. Too bad too. I wish I had. With on last tearful farewell, I started to ride east.

The wind started to blow from the North. Normally that is a welcome relief. But this time, it make the temperatures boil.

I am fine with riding in the heat. But not the head winds. I am used to riding through the winds of the panhandle. But with panniers and all that weight, the wind made it unbearable.
Trees and shade are a rare thing in the panhandle. I found this nice little oasis. I think the mosquito's things so too!

Shade comes in overpass bridge forms too.

As I kept pedaling, the heat got worse and worse. There is no shade in the Panhandle when you leave Amarillo. My head began to boil and it was time to find a shade tree to sleep the afternoon away. I found a Nice field with some cottonwood trees. I loved it. It was about a half mile off the road and getting there took a lot of effort. What I didn't see before was that the trees were used by cattle too. Lots of COWS!! They weren't there when I got there, but it wasn't long before. I didn't care. I needed to cool off.

After about 2 hours, I noticed that I was going through the water too fast and needed to make a decision. finish off the water and wait 4 more hours, or make a run for it. I checked the Garmin for the nearest gas station. 4 miles. I think I can make four miles. So I made a run for it.

After about 2 miles, my heart rate was skyrocketing. My garmin was screaming at me to slow down. I looked down and I was only going 6 miles an hour. My head started to pound and feel swimmy. I know what that means!! I poured water on my head and tried to cool off. 3 miles down and one 1 to go. I had to stop every 100 yards. I couldn't hardly pedal without my heart rate meter going off. I saw an advertisement saying there was a hotel 1 mile away. IN THE MIDDLE OF NOWHERE? This is a God send!!! I couldn't pedal but only a few hundred feet. I barely could keep the bike balanced. I have never been scared before, but with only a quarter mile left, I thought I would not make it.

Finally, I ride into the parking lot and lean my bike on the wall.

I walk into the lobby and there is no air conditioning. I am about to die here. I finally get the lady to check me in and I get the key. I ask her where the ice was, and she said it didn't work but if i came by the office, she would get me some. I told her I would come by after a cold shower. She said no problem.

I get into the hotel, turn on the air and then got into the shower. NO COLD WATER??? WHAT??? The water was hot. finally after a few minutes, the water started to cool off. This is strange. I cooled off enough to get the swimmy head away. I got the ice and called Sheila. She said she was coming to pick me up and that I was done. Well, I dont argue with my wife. She is a nurse! After about 2 hours she met me in Conway Tx with the rest of my family. It took that long to cool off. When she picked me up, I was relieved. I got my appetite back.

END OF TOUR!! What a shame. But I am glad I am alive!

See you on the couch!!!

1 comment:

  1. Everything happens for a reason. I am very proud of you. Most people wouldn't have tried. Very proud.
