Thursday, March 11, 2010

Bike Ride to the Mississippi River

I am planning on riding from my house to the Mississippi River along Route 66. I have often dreamed of seeing the Mother Road by bike ever since I rode to Vega, Tx. Because of some changes in plans, I have decided to go East and not West. My son graduates from high school and his grandparents cant come to Texas, so we are going up to Indiana. This sort of ruined some Colorado plans I had. Sheila, my wife suggested that I ride to Indiana and she will catch up to me. She suggested that I could take Route 66 as far as I could go. I thought, "what a great idea". It was also great because she was ok with the whole idea of me touring. I plan on heading out right after my son and his friend comes back from their state solo contest. Seth, my son, plays French Horn. His friend plays Trumpet. And I am their band director. The estimated departure date is June 4th. I plan on riding for about 18 days. I should make the Mississippi River by June 22. I have already bought my Panniers and have researched a packing list. As the departure date draws nearer, I will have more definite plans. I hope you enjoy my blog and keep coming back to follow me as I journey East. I will post every now and then until departure date. I hope you enjoy!


  1. This is great!! I am behind you 100%. Actually I am right behind you. SAG baby!!! Whoohooo

  2. Ah, thank you hon! My first comment!
